Sunday, April 26, 2009

Helllllllooooo tax credit

I'm closing on my house tomorrow! Closing is at noon, so I even have an excuse to take the whole day off of work. Here are some pictures...

I don't hate this blue, but I don't love it either. The thought of painting over a color that dark stresses me out so I was just going to leave it...but then I picked out the kitchen paint color and living room furniture and decided that blue does not go very well with either.

The living room is one of the two rooms in the house that I'm not going to paint. The other is the half bath. :)

I keep calling this color cantaloupe. I'm going to stay reddish-orangish in here, but more like rust and less like fruit.

Soon to become the office... we may not paint this room either. Amy will be the one in there every day so I told her if the color gets on her nerves then we can paint it. Yellow is definitely not my favorite wall color, but this is fairly light so I'm ok with leaving it for now.

I think this is the worst color in the whole house! I have a creative idea for this room so we'll see how it turns out.

My huge bathroom! And huge closet!

Mama and daddy are coming up the first week of May to help me work some on the house so I'll post progress pictures along the way. The current owners have two small children, so you haven't even seen the worst of it... the 2nd and 3rd bedrooms and the hall bathroom. We have a lot of work ahead of us... I'm glad they're coming to help!