Sunday, August 23, 2009

World Map Wall Art

This weekend I took on the project of finding/creating something to hang over my couch in the living room. Inspired by HGTV and the thriftiness of the Young House Love bloggers, I set out to find an inexpensive way to decorate the empty wall. At first I tried to find a print to hang but did not get very far before I realized that was a bad idea. There are thousands of prints to look through and I didn't have any idea what I was even looking for in terms of colors, style, etc.
As I was thinking through the possibilities, I remembered the map that had previously hung in my bedroom. I changed the style of my bedroom in the new house and the map didn't quite fit in so it was just rolled up in the corner. I had toyed with the idea of cutting a print to fit three vertical frames and thought that same concept would be perfect for the map! Here's how I did it.

1. The Map
The map started as something very similar to this that I bought several years ago with an Barnes & Noble gift card.

2. Adding Age
I actually did this right after I bought the map. I wanted to try and make the map look aged and a friend suggested using brown paint. (We thought about staining it with tea but weren't sure if it would stain the brightly colored map dark enough for my taste.) By watering down the brown paint and using a light hand with the brush we were able to create the look I was going for at the time. It also happens to look great with my couch and pillows!

3. The Frames
After some internet searching, I discovered that A.C. Moore was having a 40% off sale on frames. I did a lot of browsing and comparing in the store but finally settled on the black frames. I was going for cheap (they were the cheapest they had!), but certainly could have created a different look with gold, pewter or other frames. After the 40% off, I ended up with all of my frames for around $25.

4. How many do I need?
Before going to the store, I laid the map on the floor and used a sheet of paper to estimate how many of each size frame I needed. I knew I wanted a couple of bigger frames (I used 11x14) and filled in the rest from there. As a bonus, they had different styles of frames so I picked up a few of each to create some more visual interest.

5. The Layout
When I got home with the frames I arranged them on top of the map before cutting anything. I knew that I wanted to try and include at least a piece of all of the continents and as many countries as I could so that helped determine placement. An 11x14 was the best choice to fit Asia so I purposely used the other 11x14 frame on the opposite corner to create some balance.

I also wanted it to be fairly geographically accurate so I took a picture of the layout on the floor before cutting the pieces to use as my guide when it came time for hanging.

6. The Cutting
I left the frames right where they were and traced around the outside edges with a pencil. After cutting these frame sized pieces, I used the frame inserts to cut smaller pieces that would fit inside of the frames.

7. The Hanging
Before cutting out the pieces, I measured the center of the total "structure" both horizontally and vertically. This fell inside the Africa frame, so that was the first frame that I hung. Then, by using my handy picture, I guesstimated the spacing for the frames going out from there. Asia was the last frame up as it was the only one with two hangers on the back. It would have been the most difficult to straighten if I didn't hang it right the first time, so I straightened and lined everything else up first before placing the last two nails.

And there you have it! For $25 and an afternoon I now have some great new art to fill the space above my couch. I also love that I used something that I already had in my house that was otherwise collecting dust. Before you go out and buy something, see what you have laying around the house! Get creative and you'll make something awesome and one of a kind!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Helllllllooooo tax credit

I'm closing on my house tomorrow! Closing is at noon, so I even have an excuse to take the whole day off of work. Here are some pictures...

I don't hate this blue, but I don't love it either. The thought of painting over a color that dark stresses me out so I was just going to leave it...but then I picked out the kitchen paint color and living room furniture and decided that blue does not go very well with either.

The living room is one of the two rooms in the house that I'm not going to paint. The other is the half bath. :)

I keep calling this color cantaloupe. I'm going to stay reddish-orangish in here, but more like rust and less like fruit.

Soon to become the office... we may not paint this room either. Amy will be the one in there every day so I told her if the color gets on her nerves then we can paint it. Yellow is definitely not my favorite wall color, but this is fairly light so I'm ok with leaving it for now.

I think this is the worst color in the whole house! I have a creative idea for this room so we'll see how it turns out.

My huge bathroom! And huge closet!

Mama and daddy are coming up the first week of May to help me work some on the house so I'll post progress pictures along the way. The current owners have two small children, so you haven't even seen the worst of it... the 2nd and 3rd bedrooms and the hall bathroom. We have a lot of work ahead of us... I'm glad they're coming to help!